Monday, November 3, 2008

What Happened to October?!!

Man, October just flew by! In exactly six weeks I will be home in the US of A! It's crazy, because I feel like I just got here a week or so ago.

I'm sorry I've been so utterly negligent of this blog! As usual, I've just been going going going. In addition to all of the work, this past week my parents and grandparents were in Rome to see the sights and to see me. It was incredible to see them all, but they're quite the time-suck, haha. We went to some fantastic restaurants and had an interesting time hopping about in the rain.

Hopefully I will be updating with more pictures soon. The good news on the photo front is that even though I'm horribly behind on the posting now, I'll have oodles of time over Christmas break to update, because I'll be home and recovering from surgery, with nothing better to do.

At the moment I'm bursting with excitement for tomorrow's election! I'm going to a big all-night election-watch party of Americans in Rome tomorrow night/morning, complete with pancake breakfast. I hope everyone who reads this goes outs and votes tomorrow!! Please do it! Think of the future...

Anyway, I've got to get going, I hope to post again (fairly soon)!


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